Community Involvement
In light of pandemic, Acadia FCU accelerates $27k food pantry donation
April 22, 2020
ST. JOHN VALLEY and BANGOR (April 22, 2020) – Acadia Federal Credit Union, a member-owned financial institution with branches throughout northern Aroostook County and eastern Maine, recently disbursed over $27,000 to help feed Maine’s hungry.
Acadia FCU Offers $6,000 in Scholarships to 2020 Graduating Seniors
February 20, 2020
ST. JOHN VALLEY and BANGOR, Maine (Feb. 20, 2020) – As a financial institution invested in their communities and neighbors, Acadia Federal Credit Union periodically offers beneficial programs to their membership.
Acadia FCU Names 2019 Scholarship Recipients
October 18, 2019
ST. JOHN VALLEY and BANGOR, Maine (Oct. 18, 2019) – For three Maine college freshmen, paying for education just got a little easier. Acadia Federal Credit Union named Cassidy Beaulieu, Sarah Masterson, and Jacob Jandreau as the 2019 recipients of the Acadia FCU Scholarship.
Acadia FCU raises over $25k to help combat hunger in Maine
June 30, 2019
ST. JOHN VALLEY and BANGOR (June 30, 2019) – Acadia Federal Credit Union, a member-owned financial institution with branches throughout northern Aroostook County and eastern Maine, made a sizable donation to help feed Maine’s hungry on Sunday, June 23.
Desjardins named ‘Outstanding League Volunteer’ at annual conventionÂ
May 29, 2019
FORT KENT, Maine (May 29, 2019) – At the Maine Credit Union League’s 81st annual convention in Westbrook on May 17, credit union leaders from across the state were recognized for their outstanding service. David Desjardins, President/CEO of Acadia Federal Credit Union, was presented the League President’s ‘Outstanding League Volunteer’ award before a crowd of over 700 during the convention banquet dinner.
Credit Union budgeting event spotlights $1,000 scholarship earner
May 8, 2019
AROOSTOOK COUNTY, Maine (MAY 8, 2019) — On Tuesday, April 30, over 300 Aroostook County high school juniors congregated at Loring Job Corps in Limestone for a hands-on money management and budgeting experience.
Acadia FCU Offers $6,000 in Scholarships to Graduating Seniors
April 1, 2019
ST. JOHN VALLEY and BANGOR, Maine (April 4, 2019) – As a financial institution invested in their communities and neighbors, Acadia Federal Credit Union periodically offers beneficial programs to their membership.
Acadia FCU donates $500 to 6th annual Angel Snow-Fest
March 8, 2019
ST. AGATHA, Maine (March 8, 2019) — Acadia Federal Credit Union proudly donated $500 to Angel Snow-Fest, to benefit cancer patients in the St. John Valley.
Acadia FCU donates to help protect young slope-goers
January 10, 2019
FORT KENT (Jan. 10, 2019) – Acadia Federal Credit Union recently donated $500 to the Green Bean Ski Club to help purchase new helmets for Fort Kent’s Lonesome Pine Trails ski rental shop.
Acadia FCU donates nearly $30k before crowd of 400
August 2, 2018
FORT KENT (July 13, 2018) – Sixty pounds of hot dogs, 394 hamburgers, 117 pounds of potato and macaroni salad, and 558 bottles of cold beverages is what it takes to feed just over 400 people.
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