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In light of pandemic, Acadia FCU accelerates $27k food pantry donation

April 22, 2020

ST. JOHN VALLEY and BANGOR (April 22, 2020) – Acadia Federal Credit Union, a member-owned financial institution with branches throughout northern Aroostook County and eastern Maine, recently disbursed over $27,000 to help feed Maine’s hungry.

Fundraising efforts were part of the Maine Credit Unions’ Campaign for Ending Hunger. The donation would have been made at their annual meeting, which was postponed due to the pandemic. With the annual meeting date on hold and with the current need so great, the donations were made ahead of schedule. Fourteen food pantries and food assistance programs in northern and eastern Maine benefited from Acadia FCU’s fundraising efforts.

Acadia FCU employees Patty Michaud and Angie McBreairty display ‘Daily Cash’ raffle tickets. This is typically the biggest fundraiser of the year for Acadia FCU’s contribution to the Maine Credit Union’s Campaign for Ending Hunger.

“We are pleased to once again support our local food pantries and hunger organizations, especially during this critical time,” said David Desjardins, President/CEO of Acadia FCU. “The pandemic caused us to accelerate our donation schedule, due to dire need that our communities are facing. It’s immensely satisfying to provide support during these challenging times.”

A total of $27,287.38 was divided and sent to the following agencies: First Assembly of God Food Pantry, St. John Vianney Parish Food Pantry, Aroostook Area Agency on Aging / Meals on Wheels program, Ashland Food Pantry, Greater Fort Kent Ecumenical Food Pantry, and Notre Dame du Mont Carmel Food Pantry, Our Lady of the Valley, MSAD 33 Take Home Program, Seeds of Hope Food Pantry, Bangor Area Homeless Shelter, Brewer Area Food Pantry, The Salvation Army of Bangor, Manna Ministries Food Pantry, and Fish River Rural Health Food Shelf.

Acadia FCU’s fundraising efforts for the 2020 Maine Credit Unions’ Campaign for Ending Hunger are underway but behind schedule, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and reduced lobby traffic during this time social distancing. Online donations are encouraged at