As a member of Acadia FCU, you have the power to keep your account information up-to-date, anytime you need to.
To change your contact information, simply log into Acadia FCU Digital Banking and follow these steps:
- On the dashboard, click your name in the upper right corner of the screen, and click on Settings from the dropdown menu that appears
- On the Settings page, click on the Contact tab
- The address(es), phone number(s), and email address(es) you have on file with the Credit Union will be displayed.
- To update an item, click on the Edit (pencil) button for that line
- Enter the updated information and click Save Changes
- A verification box will appear. This is a security feature to ensure that it’s you making the change. Select the method by which you would like to receive a verification code, and click Send Code
- When you receive the code, enter it into the Enter Code field and click the Verify button
To update a Driver’s License number, please contact us via Message Center in Digital Banking, visit a branch, or call us at 1-855-692-2234. You will need to upload or provide a copy of your license for our records.
If you prefer to have us handle the changes, we’re happy to do that. Just get in touch with us!