Late this summer, we will be upgrading our current Online Banking platform to a new Digital Banking Experience. For a smooth transition to our new platform, we need your current email address, phone number, and address by August 10.
You can reach out through the “Live Support” bubble in the lower right hand corner of this page during regular business hours, call us at 1-855-692-2234, or make the changes yourself. Here’s how:
• Log in to your Acadia FCU Online Banking account via the LOGIN button in the top right corner of this page
• Once you’re logged in, select the dark blue PROFILE tab
• Click EDIT to the right of the Primary Contact Info section
• Update your current address, phone and/or email, and
• SAVE changes
Thank you in advance for helping us make this a smooth transition!
How do I upgrade my on line baking
Where do I find the web site
Hi Linda,
If you visit and then follow the steps listed above, you can update your contact information on file. If you prefer, you can call us at 1-855-692-2234 and we can take care of it over the phone. You can also click the “Live Support” bubble in the lower right corner of this page and someone will help you.
As far as upgrading the online banking, the upgrade has not happened yet. It will only be upgraded later this month.
Please let me know if you have any other questions or if you would like to have one of our staff members call you directly.
Thank you!
Alison Smart
Marketing Manager
Phone number on my account is wrong, how do I correct it?
Hi Sally, I will have one of our support reps reach out to you today to get this updated.