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Acadia Health Savings Accounts (HSA)

Are you suffering from a high-deductible health plan? Choose from Acadia's three types of HSA (Health Savings Accounts) and get help paying for prescriptions, co-pays, and other medical expenses.

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Save Money Tax-Free

To open any type of Health Savings Account (HSA) with us, you’ll need to be on a high deductible health plan (HDHP). This account type offers flexibility in covering medical expenses for yourself, your spouse, and your dependents—even if they are not covered by your health insurance plan.

Funds from your HSA can be used tax-free to pay for qualified medical expenses, including doctor visits, medications, dental and eye care, chiropractic services, insurance deductibles, and more. You are responsible for ensuring your HSA distributions are only used for qualified expenses and maintaining records for IRS compliance.

You can check on the updated contribution amounts each year here.

  • Save money tax-free for medical expenses

  • Supplement high deductible health insurance

  • Afford the best care for your family

There are three types of HSA Accounts

Only authorized signers can be on these accounts, NOT joint owners or beneficiaries.

HSA Checking Account

This is your primary HSA account, required even if you open an HSA Club or Share Certificate. It’s used for paying qualified medical expenses and comes with a debit card for easy access to your funds.

HSA Super Saver

If you don’t frequently use your HSA funds, consider transferring them to an HSA Super Saver account to earn more in dividends. We can help you move your money so you can maximize your savings while keeping it accessible.

HSA Share Certificate

This account offers the highest dividend rates, making it ideal for members with larger HSA balances. Keep in mind, withdrawing before maturity results in a penalty, so it’s best for funds you won’t need right away.

Acadia always gives wonderful service with professionalism and a smile!

— Rachel S.

member since 2003

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes. However, you can complete this transaction one time only, for life. You can contribute funds from your IRA to your HSA, up to the IRS limit for your type of coverage.

  • You may designate one or more beneficiaries to receive the balance of your HSA after your death. If you do not designate a beneficiary, or if none of the beneficiaries you designate are alive on the day after your death, then your HSA will be paid to your surviving spouse. If you have no spouse, then the balance will go to your children, or if you have no children, to your estate.

  • The short answer is YES. Here are few important things to know about how Maine credit unions are protected:

    • Federally insured credit unions offer a safe place for credit union members to save money. These deposits are protected by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund and insured up to at least $250,000 per individual depositor – the same as any other federally insured financial institution.
    • Credit union deposits in federally insured credit unions are safe and secure, and all Maine credit unions are federally insured.
    • Credit union members have never lost a penny of insured savings at a federally insured credit union.
    • All Maine credit unions are regularly examined by financial regulators to ensure proper management and maintain the safety and soundness of members’ money within the institution.

    Visit for more information about the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund coverage for consumers. Download this informational brochure to help answer any other questions you may have.

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