We do not recommend that account holders pursue this course of action, as it becomes complicated while also potentially posing a risk to Acadia FCU. Due to the fact that individuals often make multiple updates to their wills throughout their lifetime, it is possible for beneficiaries to be added or removed. Consequently, it can be challenging for a financial institution to determine which will is the most current and valid. Therefore, it is best practice for members to clearly specify their intended beneficiary(ies) in their member account documentation.
If a member insists on using the “See Will” option, Acadia FCU will require a notarized copy of the will, which will be recorded with a date in the member’s account(s). In the event that the member updates their will and fails to notify us, we will rely on the version of the will that was initially provided.
As per our membership agreement, should Acadia need to hire legal counsel in order to make the proper determination as to who the beneficiaries and the proper percentage of the disbursements are, Acadia FCU may deduct those legal fees from funds that are on deposit. If you have any concerns regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.